The EABC Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Sector Committee provides a cross-sectoral, business-driven platform for interactive discussion and formulation of consolidated positions on key IP issues facing inventors, manufacturers, importers and enterprises in Thailand. The IPR Working Group works in close coordination with other EABC Working Groups, particularly the Working Groups on Healthcare & Pharmaceutical and Food & Beverages.

Aiming towards strengthening of the legal framework and law enforcement to protect intellectual property rights in Thailand, key issues under discussion of the IPR Working Group include:

  • IP Legislative Development
  • IP Enforcement
  • IP Awareness and commercialization

Objectives of the Intellectual Property Working Group

  1. To be a forum for issues of interest to EABC members on intellectual property topics;
  2. To proactively engage Thai authorities and provide expert recommendations in view of supporting innovation, commercialisation and protection of IP assets;
  3. To provide European businesses and in particular SMEs with high level information through EU funded projects (IP Key, SEA IP SME Helpdesk etc).

Information about Working Group Chair

Ms. Pavinee Bunyamissara is a leading expert in intellectual property (IP) law with close to 20 years of professional experience. She is now currently a partner at SCL Nishimura & Asahi. Ms. Pavinee routinely advises major clients on matters relating to trademark and patent registrations, copyright recordation, license agreements, as well as trademark, patent and copyright infringement. She is also a member of Lawyers Council of Thailand, Intellectual Property Association of Thailand (IPAT), Association Int’l pour la Protection de la Propriete Industrielle (AIPPI), ASEAN Intellectual Property Association (ASEAN-IPA) and International Trademark Association (INTA).


  • DOWNLOAD pdf 2023-02 - Presentation IPR
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  • DOWNLOAD pdf EABC's submission_Public Hearing on the Draft Patent Act B.E
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